

Student of the Month : Marco Lozano

/ / Alumnos

Has been practising with us for the last 2 years, we like to call him Marquito cause he is one of those cheerful students which always bright up the studio on his arrival with his contagious smile… Everyone knows Marco and also participate on his beautiful journey of health transformation, loosing an amazing 15 kilos through the practise of Bikram Hot Yoga and a well balance diet, as he learned how to make the full cirlce of a “Healthy Life Style”. We are very proud of you Marquito and we hope we can carry on helping you to reach your goals… diet to lose weight quickly. Here is his view on Bikram HOT Yoga WHEN YOU START PRACTISE HOT YOGA ? In 2013, i start the trail week and ever since i am part of the family. I practise 3/4 times a week, i believe i done more or less 300 classes so far. WHICH ASANA IS YOUR FAVOURITE ? Dandayamana Dhanurasana (Standing Bow Pulling Pose) because required so much concentration and balance … WHICH ASANA IS THE MOST CHALLENGING FOR YOU? Dandayamana Janushirasana (Standing Head to Knee Pose), took me 2 years+ to complete the four steps of it BUT, when i finally managed i felt bliss cause right there i realised all the hard work worth it every minutes of it…. WHAT HAS BEEN THE BENEFITS OF YOUR YOGA PRACTISE ? I really improved my balance not only physical but mentally too, my muscles are much stronger and my respiratory system has improved tremendously. HOW YOGA CHANGED YOUR LIFE ? Physically Hot Yoga helped me to cure an injury i had on my knee after many years of football, and thanks to Bikram HOT Yoga i managed to go back to old sports which has been left on the side cause of my knee (cycling, running & tenis) Bikram HOT Yoga also taught me that a continuos practise is what make you improve, there is NO short cuts or magical formula. I learned that everyday our body is different and our practise can vary from the morning class to an evening class, therefore a balance diet and hydratation are your best friends cause we are what we eat! Mentally Bikram HOT Yoga gave me that extra strength that is much need when comes those moments of stress in life…. ANYTHING TO ADD ABOUT BIKRAM HOT YOGA MALLORCA STUDIO ? For me Bikram HOT Yoga Mallorca studio above all, is a place where you can always feel a good vibe, the charisma & amiability we get from the owners and teachers are priceless… Apart that we come from different background, realities and cultures, we find that common interest in class with a safe envinroment where we can learn and develop our practise. Congratulations to Lucci, Miro and all the teachers which teach at the studio, cause i learned a lot from all of you…. Thanks to my studio “partners”.