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2nd Anniversary YES 🙂
We could not be more Happier about our 2nd Anniversary…..
See the growing of our Amazing Community where we SHARE a lot of Laugh, Sweat, Tears, Love, Achievements, Happiness, Friendship and SO much more, is an Amazing journey to all of us.
This Blog could be as long as a book but I decide to make short and sweet.
In my believe the importance of a Yoga Studio is the ability to have teachers which can spot each and every students needs, helping them to procedure safely towards they journey, NOT looking for perfections but YES for alignment on the right direction, maximising the benefits of each Asanas on individual levels.
And students which has the ability to look further & with patience & understanding he/she can trust the teachers to help them to achieve their aims, which can be either physically, psychologically or spiritually .
Whatever Your Journey may be, WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU.
On behalf of the teachers which has been teaching at our studio last year
—–>>> Gabriela, Irene Mingorance, Alex E. Von Ballestrem Maika, Jimmy Lau, Mar De La Fuente, BridgettAne Lawrence, Antonio Martos, & Isa Vazquez <<<—–
Not forgetting our adorable Miro, which does greet all of us with Love & Spontaneity (Day In, Day Out).
He manage the “Behind the Scenes” doing everything possible for the running of our studio on admin. levels been as smooth as possible 🙂
And myself Lucciana Pereira,
which has the most Grateful Heart & Spirit, looking back with appreciation to the brilliant students which come from All Over the World to practise with us.
Every single class for me is also an unique learning process.
Where I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, kidness from the unkind, humbleness from the arrogant….
And strangely but TRUE I am Absolutely Grateful for those which makes hard for me.
And for the ones which makes the Positive Energy/Love Flowing going on & on & on —> YOU got my Eternal Gratitude.
Cause either or , I DO learn and try to understand on a daily bases what makes us Beautiful Humans Being, & that is called —> Imperfection on the most Perfect way.
As Simple as That I LOVE YOU ALL….
And don’t forget: ” LIFE IS TO SHORT TO BE LITTLE “ Lucci
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